8 – 17. septembar 2023.
Vremeje za taj dan u godini kada nam Uličnu galeriju dolaze skejteri, umetnici i zidari iz dragog nam kolektiva Samita nesvrstanih i ovom prilikom uz “never ending skate session” predstavljaju izložbu “Seeing spots” by NezPez. Dođite obavezno, dobar provod zagarantovan!
Neža Jurman (1985), koja radi pod umetničkim imenom Nez Pez, diplomirala je vajarstvo na Akademiji za likovnu umetnost i dizajn (ALUO) u Ljubljani, Slovenija. Njen opus prate motivi koji se ponavljaju koji putuju kroz različite medije – audiovizuelna dela, instalacije, skulpture, grafike, crteže, slike, tetovaže. Rad se često dotiče konteksta prostora, subkulture, urbanog okruženja i istraživanja zvuka. Njen rad je predstavljen na brojnim samostalnim i grupnim izložbama, festivalima i rezidencijalnim programima širom Evrope i Balkana. Živi i radi između Ljubljane (SLO) i Berlina (GER).
Neža je u Beograd stigla nekoliko nedelja pre ovogodišnjeg Samita. Zaključila je da je prošlo više od 10 godina od njenog poslednjeg boravka ovde. To ju je motivisalo da iznese novonastalu sliku o ovom gradu. Imajuci dovoljno vremena da se inspiriše i luta, prikupila je fotografije širom Beograda, kroz proces osmislila ideju da ih odštampa, uredi i istakne svojim karakterističnim ilustracijama. Izložba se održava u Uličnoj galeriji, a kreativni proces se dešavao u Matrijaršiji. Izložba će biti otvorena do 17. septembra.
Muziku od 21.30 bira this beauty – @_pink.wav,
a zatvaraju Boogie momci odnosno @boogieboys.rs
+ never ending skate session
SEEING SPOTS, exhibition by Neža Jurman a.k.a. NezPez
Neža Jurman (1985), who works under the artistic moniker Nez Pez, graduated in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ALUO) in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her opus is accompanied by recurring motifs that travel through various media – audiovisual works, installations, sculptures, graphic prints, drawings, paintings, tattoos. The work often touches on the context of space, subculture, urban environment and sound exploration. Her work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions, festivals and residency programs around Europe and the Balkans. She lives and works between Ljubljana (SLO) and Berlin (GER).
Neža arrived in Belgrade a few weeks before this year’s edition of Samit. She says that it has been 10+ years since her last stay here. This motivated her to bring out the personal impressions of this city. With enough time to get inspired and wander around, she collected photos from around the city of Belgrade, figured out the idea through the process to print them out, edit and highlight them with her characteristic style illustrations. The exhibition is taking place at “Ulična galerija”, the creative process has been done at Matrijaršija. Exhibition will be open until 17th of September.
Dj set by beautiful @_pink.wav starts at 9.30pm, after which we will hear @boogieboys.rs boys for the first time.
++ never ending skate session
Foto: @filip_tasic i @_izachega